Bean Validator User's Guide

Marvin van Schalkwyk



A Java annotation-based framework for validating objects

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. What is the Bean Validator?
1.2. Bean Validator in a Nutshell
1.3. Why use the Bean Validator?
2. Getting Started
2.1. Installing the Bean Validator
2.1.1. What's inside the distribution
2.2. Integrating the Bean Validator
2.2.1. Integrating into a Java EE environment
2.2.2. Integrating with Seam
2.2.3. Integrating with JSF
3. A Tour of the Bean Validator Annotations
3.1. Property Validation
3.1.1. Common attributes
3.1.2. Property Validators
3.2. Property Validation Vetoers
3.2.1. Common attributes
3.2.2. Property Vetoers
3.3. Field Descriptions
3.4. Instance-level validation
3.4.1. Instance Validation Classes
3.4.2. Validator Methods
3.5. Other Annotations
4. Advanced Topics
4.1. Customized Error Messages
4.2. JavaBeans property access
4.2.1. Inheritence
4.2.2. Property access
4.3. Extending the Bean Validator
4.3.1. Defining your own validators
4.3.2. Defining your own validation vetoers
5. Conclusion

List of Tables

3.1. Property validators reference
3.2. Property vetoers reference
3.3. Miscellanerous annotation reference

List of Examples

2.1. Prefixed bean example